HTML Editors - Simple Text Editor

In this tutorial, You learn HTML editors and this tutorial is very helpful for the beginner who is newbies to web development and wants to learn how to open, write and run the HTML code in simple text editor. 

Before, We move forward different doubts that come in your mind like what are steps to use simple text editor to learn html, how to open an editor in PC? In this below part I shared all information. 

Learn HTML Editors with Notepad

A Notepad (text editor) is the best simple text editor for learning html. 
Notepad is easily available in every window OS. 
To learn html you don't require any software to download. 
Just you have to open Notepad and start writing. 

How to open Notepad follow steps below:

Open Notepad

  1. Tap on the Window icon present on the bottom left corner → Type RUN and Tap on icon.
  2. Type Notepad in Text Box → Tap on OK 
  3. Notepad window appears on the screen
Don't worry I shared the code below you have to just do copy and paste code in your open Notepad

html editors Notepad


<!DOCTYPE html>
			First Web Page
  <h1>First Heading</h1>
  <p>First Paragraph</p>

Html Editor and Save Code

You have to write your html code here in Notepad and Tap on FILE on top of left → Tap on SAVE but here to have to keep one thing in mind the file extension save your file with .html or .htm file extensions. Select Save as Type → ALL Files then Tap on Save. 

save code in html editors

(Please Keep Path in mind where you save it this helps you to find the file.)

Now html file saved successfully but NO output is shown. To show on output follows-

View Your First HTML Page

Does HTML need an interpreter or compiler? No, They did not need to compilation process because HTML is not a programming language like C/C++, Java, etc. 

HTML is a "markup language" for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.
All the statements of html are command scripts. A web browser executes all tags/commands in html.

  1. Open the saved .html or .htm file (double tap on file or right-click on the file and select "open with" → Select web browser like google chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc.)
  2. It will Open web page in web browser.
first web page

Related Post: 

HTML Full Form


Now I think you are ready to start web development and have an idea of html editors. In the upcoming tutorial, I will share some best simple text editors to do web development with advantages and disadvantages.

If you have any doubts in the above article feel free to ask in the comment box below.

Happy Coding 😊

If you have any doubts, Please let me know

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