Here you find c programs with explanations from basic, loops, print series, array, functions, recursion, etc.
C programs are basic for B.Tech first-year students and also in BCA. It is very difficult for first-year students to understand concepts like an array, functions, pointers, and string, etc. So, here you can find C programs.
- Arithmetic Operators
- Days into Years, Weeks & Days
- Find The Grade Obtained by Reading Marks of Student
- Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius & Vice Versa
- Swap Program
- Compound Interest
If, If-Else, Nested If-Else, Else-If Ladder, Switch-Case
- Leap Year Program
- Armstrong Number
- Even or Odd Program
- Greatest Number Program
- Weekdays Program
- HCF Program in C
- Leap Year List
While, Do-While, For, Break, Continue, Nested For Loops
- Fibonacci Series
- Power of a Number Program
- Factorial of a Number
- Reverse a Number
- Sum of Individual Digits in C
- Prime Number
- Palindrome Number
- Prime Numbers between Two Numbers
- Multiplication Table Program in C using For Loop
Print Series
- Reverse Numbers in Array
- Count Number of Positive, Negative & Zero
- Maximum and Minimum of Numbers in Array
- Sorting in Ascending and Descending Order
- Searching Number in Array
- Matrix Addition in C
- Matrix Multiplication in C
- Transpose of Matrix in C
- Mirror Image of Matrix in C
- Sum of Row in Matrix in C
- Menu driven program for arithmetic operations using functions
- Factorial of a given number using call by value
- Swap two numbers using functions (call by value and call by reference)
- Armstrong number using function
- Reverse a number using function
- Factorial of a number using recursion