Java Getting Started

In this tutorial, You'll learn about install Java JDK 8 for windows.

To check Java is present in your windows, which version of Java Jdk is already present. 

Java Version

First, we check for is java version on our computer. To check you have to open your command prompt(cmd) and then enter a command java -version 
Now, It will show you your current version of Java JDK, and if it shows any error like path not found, Java Jdk not present then I will cover all in this tutorial.
    set java path
  1. If Java is not Found then Error like Solution in below set java path. 
  2. If Java is running successfully.
java version

Java Download

To install java in your windows. Firstly download the java JDK or Java development Kit for windows. 
You have to go to the given link and download the java JDK 8 version 64 bit windows. In this Java JDK 8 case you download .exe file.

If you have to install the latest 15 version of java then go to the below link and 

  1. After Tap on the above link, You have to tap on JDK Download. 
    install java

  2. Then Tap on JDK 15 
    install java 8
  3. Now tick the checkbox and start the downloading.
    install java jdk

After the successful download of java JDK. Now, it's time to install JDK. 

Install Java JDK

To install JDK 8, You download the .exe file. Below I can share steps you have to follow
  1. Tap on Jdk_8xx.exe file. 
  2. Tap on Install.  
    java jdk 8

  3. Instaling Started. 
    java jdk 8

  4. Tap on Close. 
    java jdk install

It was set path to default location C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_xxx so, you can find jdk file at this location.

At last, open Command Prompt and type java -version to see if Java is running on your windows machine.

In case of JDK 15, To install the Java Development kit you have to find the download file and then extract this download file in your C:\Program Files\Java (If Java folder is not present in Program Files then you create new folder named as java for proper arrangement of file otherwise you can directly put in C:\Program Files\ also but when you set the path of environment variable then you have to consider this path). 

Now, You try to enter this a command java -version to check if java is running or not but if you see Java not found then you have to set Path or Environment variable. Do worry we cover below.

Set Java Path

To set java path you have know the jdk file location in our C:\Program Files\Java

To set java path in windows follow:
  1. Go to Desktop > This PC > Right Click > Properties. ( If This PC is not found then Go to System Properties (Can be found on Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings
    set path java

  2. In Advanced session, Tap on Environment Variables.
  3. Now, Select on Path in System Variables and Tap on Edit.
  4. Click on the New and add the path where Java file is installed. By default, Java is installed in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1 (or location at specified when you installed it). Now, You will have to add a new path with: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1\bin. (Note: You consider \bin folder).
  5. At last, You Tap on Ok and save settings.
  6. Now, open Command Prompt and type java -version to see if Java is running on your windows. 
Finally, Java Getting started is done. In this tutorial you set your windows machine for java. Now you can run java programs successfully in your machine.

Happy Coding 😊 

If you have any doubts, Please let me know

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