Install Python 3.8.5 Windows 32/64 bit | Download & Installation

In this tutorial, you'll learn about install Python Windows and for both windows 32/64 bit properly from download to interpret. 

The smart way to install safely python latest version Python 3.8.5 installation for Windows 32/64 bit is not rocket science. It is very easy for you if you properly follow the below few steps in both Windows 32/64 bit. Please follow it carefully. 

Install Python Windows

To download the latest release version of python visit the link latest python download and it will show the Python 3.8.5 is the latest release available. so, we install python windows 64-bit operating system. 

install python windows

Now go to the folder where your latest downloaded file present and then double click on the executable file and select Customize Installation

install python 64 bit windows

Then tick on all checkboxes to use all python features without any problem and click on Next.

install python

In the Advance option, please select the checkbox of install for all users and don't uncheck the default selected items. You can Customize the install location by click on the Browse and click on the Install button to start to install python. 

python windows

And the installation process starts and it will setup python successful in your windows. 

python installation windows

Now to use the python interpreter open the command prompt (CMD) of your system and Type python or python2 for python version 2 and python3 for python version 3+. 

python interpreter windows

When you type python and some error occurs like 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file or install python window environment variable Then the tutorial link is given below.

In the above tutorial, you'll learn about install Python Windows and for both windows 32/64 bit. If you any doubt please comment.

If you have any doubts, Please let me know

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