Applications of Stack in Data Structure

In this tutorial, We learn applications of stack and provide a list of stack data structure applications in real life.

A stack is a linear data structure in which objects are just like a pile of the CD on a CD spindle(whose one end is closed and the other is open) kept on top of each other. Stack work on LIFO(Last IN First OUT) order. Below I share the design for the stack to easily understand stack operations push and pop operation of stacks. 

Applications of Stack

In this below list of 10 applications of stack data structure in real life.

Expression Evaluation
It can be used to evaluate postfix, prefix, and infix expression.

Expression Conversion
A stack is used to converting one expression into another.
  1. Infix to Postfix
  2. Infix to Prefix
  3. Postfix to Infix
  4. Prefix to Infix
Mathematical Puzzle
In real life, the concept of the stack is used to solve the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle. It is the best example valid recursion of application of stack.

Memory Management
Memory is allocated in a contiguous block. Any modern computer environment uses a stack as the primary memory management model for a running program.

Reversal String
A stack can be used in the reversed string. We push elements into the stack and pop elements from the stack. then, print the pop element one by one.

Parenthesis Matching
The stack is used by compiler syntax to checking the parenthesis matching in the program i.e. matching of left and right parenthesis is implemented by using stack.

Syntax Parsing
Compilers must parse source code to be able to translate it into low-level code.
Backtracking is used as an algorithm designing technique.

Function Call
The stack can be used in a function call.

Tower of Hanoi
This is a valid recursion application of stack. These maths problem program use of stack in recursion with example in this link Learn Tower of Hanoi 

In this tutorial, You see applications of stack in data structure and There are many other applications. And also applications of stack in real life. Comment below if you have any problem in the above article do not hesitate. 

Happy Coding 😊

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